It's been quite a while since I wrote at this blogg page. The silence that followed after the horrible loss of internet access at the office was simply unbearable. The aftermath that followed was even more catastrophic. The blame game was on. It was rumored that one agent was responsible for this senseless deprivation of privilege, her name I dare not say. One story points to a seemingly hapless girl who exploits her internet access, the other points to a vulgar agent who shared her privilege to others. Which story is true? I dare not say at the risk of becoming biased. The seemingly hapless girl is one of my good friends. The other, however, has a bad image on me.
The loss, however, opened up a rather interesting fact. Most agents who use this privilege do it out of either boredom or just because it's there. The one's who really need it still go out of their way to access the net. One such as me. For me, this privilege is a window for my thoughts. My mind often wanders into the void and barely stays inside the confines of an office. The net has proven to be quite a space to wander about. For those who still view this blogg page, my thanks to you. Bare in mind though, that I write simply to satisfy my hunger to express myself and not to impress the readers. Explains why I continue to type away even when there is no one to listen. My heart goes out to chuvaness who has deeply suffered at the loss of this little office perk. Hopefully, this undertaking will give her time to interact with the people around her. More so, with me. I'm keeping my fingers cross. Hopefully, this unsettling silence would hide my intentions.
Birthday Girl
10 years ago
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