Monday, November 29, 2004

Just Got Paid

Nothing feels like the warm sensation of reaching out to that ATM and getting some of your hard-earned cash. Makes the torture of having to explain the energy deregulation law to an 80-year-old woman worth it. I've had money before, but it's not quite like this.

Makes my policy of "don't mind the money, mind the work" really hard to swallow. I have to keep reminding myself that the cash I earn is only a means to an end, not the main goal of why I work. This way, I love my job and the dough is just bonus. Someday, I'll setup a business of my own, be my own boss. For now, let's be the good employee.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Blinded Future

Recently, a chain of events have occurred that has turned the tide. The powers that be has decided to assign me to another split. A decision I was not advised of. It is not my place to decide on where my battles should lie but, a warrior must know if he would be thrown into a fray. Now, I fear for my survival. It was unforeseen that the perks I was beginning to enjoy would be taken away so quickly.

Anyway, enough about my job. A jedi's work is no place for a blogg. My attention draws to chuvaness again. It's been an unsettling scene to watch her be drawn to someone else. I fear that she would fall for this friendly admirer, I must do something quickly before she is lost to me. I can no longer afford to remain in dark and watch her drift away. Still, I wouldn't know what to do if I were to make a move. The path of uncertainty is a road I never choose, it's been a policy of mine to always take a path I know would lead me to a place I want to be.

Too much risk for something so uncertain. Will it be worth it? We shall soon see.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

My Word is Stronger than Oak

This statement is from a movie starring Tom Cruise. It denotes that a promise from me is stronger than any contract you can ever sign.

A couple of weeks ago, I had made a pact with my supervisor that I won't be absent if I could avoid it. This day, I am bound to attend an important family event. I chose not to go. In the eyes of my family, it is but another show of rebellion and neglect for the bloodlines. For me, it is a testimony of manhood.

The difference between a man and a boy boils down to one thing. A man is responsible for the things he does and says. A boy however, is not accountable for anything. Today, I chose to live up to my duties and my word at the cost of having a lot of eye brows raised at the family affair. I've never broken any promises, I'm not about to start now. Many people despise me for this trait, some admire me for it. My concern lies not with what people think of me, but what I think of myself. I could never look myself in the mirror if I know I could've done better. If the heroes of the past chose to be with their families at the hour need, the country would still be in slavery. Sacrifices are made for the good of everything. This small birthday party is just the beginning.

In the end, what makes man a man are the choices he makes. Not his past, not his rapport, but by the things he stand for.

An Unsettling Silence

It's been quite a while since I wrote at this blogg page. The silence that followed after the horrible loss of internet access at the office was simply unbearable. The aftermath that followed was even more catastrophic. The blame game was on. It was rumored that one agent was responsible for this senseless deprivation of privilege, her name I dare not say. One story points to a seemingly hapless girl who exploits her internet access, the other points to a vulgar agent who shared her privilege to others. Which story is true? I dare not say at the risk of becoming biased. The seemingly hapless girl is one of my good friends. The other, however, has a bad image on me.

The loss, however, opened up a rather interesting fact. Most agents who use this privilege do it out of either boredom or just because it's there. The one's who really need it still go out of their way to access the net. One such as me. For me, this privilege is a window for my thoughts. My mind often wanders into the void and barely stays inside the confines of an office. The net has proven to be quite a space to wander about. For those who still view this blogg page, my thanks to you. Bare in mind though, that I write simply to satisfy my hunger to express myself and not to impress the readers. Explains why I continue to type away even when there is no one to listen. My heart goes out to chuvaness who has deeply suffered at the loss of this little office perk. Hopefully, this undertaking will give her time to interact with the people around her. More so, with me. I'm keeping my fingers cross. Hopefully, this unsettling silence would hide my intentions.