Monday, March 28, 2005

A Working Title

I haven't made any recent entries on this blogg as internet access has been scarce and ultimately inconvenient. I'll try to add new stories as much as I could. Meanwhile, I'm happy to report that I have finished a lot of interesting books these past few months. I recommend that you take the time to read Dan Brown's books. Also, the Waterborn and the Blackgod if you're fond of arabian nights type of books. Bridge of Birds is also interesting, first novel with China as the setting I found to be worth reading. I must bid thee good-bye. There is a fat chance I may not be able to open this blogg again but, who knows....


Nick de Vera said...

God I hated Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown is a lazy researcher.

-Da Vinci isn't a surname, it's just Italian for "from Vinci." Leonardo from Vinci, like Leo Payat or Leo Kulot.

-Leonardo didn't write from right to left because he was trying to be mysterious, he did it just because he was lefthanded, sheesh.

-Angels and Visitations, antimatter isn't new, it was theorized and confirmed in the freakin' 1930s. Sheesh again.

I've heard that Bridge of Birds is good. And I stil prefer LiveJournal.

Lynx said...

hey dude,

how yah doing? are you still with FCP?

Got a question. Got a friend who's moving to Houston TX, he wants to know what's the best electric provider in that area...

As for rates, what do yah think's best? Oncor? FCP? CEP?

Do tell...


Ashley Riot said...

Everybody knows Da Vinci is not his surname, it was done for familiarity's sake. The common man knows him by that name. Secondly, I for one think Leonardo wrote that way to prevent anyone from copying his work. All of written explanations regarding this can never be proven unless Leonardo himself rose from the grave. Lastly, Brown did say anti-matter is not a new subject if you read more closely...