Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Girl Everybody Loves to Hate

Another peaceful day hangs on the brink of extinction for the people around her as she edges close to her work station. A sigh breaks out as she lazily brings her computer monitor to life. She's too early again. The palpable animosity she's used to is but a lingering memory and a welcome feeling compared to the chilling silence of being utterly ignored. Nobody turns as she makes her presence felt. She is a ghost.

Beware of this seemingly docile creature, she is as every bit as dangerous as everyone says she is. Her dagger has found its way on unsuspecting victims when they make a mistake in turning their backside to her. I, myself, have been treated as such. I will never make another mistake by defending her again. What brought about this hatred, you ask?

She lies. Her stories are enthralling, captivating. Careful which part to believe as she manipulates people with her tales. She denies her words when confronted and she wins you back with praises and compliments. She comes to you wounded with tears so you would perceive her as a feeble and vulnerable. Do not be deceived, she does not recoil in pain but means to pounce and attack.

She steals. Beware the trinkets she peddles, they are not treasures because they are duly priced. Look elsewhere and you'll see they are common wares and are bought for half. Do not be affected if she calls you cheap. Do not be gawded into selling your soul for a rusty old lamp. She will take what you have and justify that it's hers. She will raise an army if you dispute as such.

She endures. She will never say sorry for the things she has done. She believes them to be right, she will never be wrong. Defend her if you will, you will nurse your wounds and seek my help in the morning. She's beyond rehabilitation, if you sit down and talk to her, she will come running and crying asking for someone to pity her as she acts the victim and you the bully. She is hopeless and so she acts like she is. She will come uninvited, she will ask you to take her in. With endearing words she greets you and bids you farewell, she curses and mocks you when nobody hears.

Believe her, believe me. I do not care. Only time will prove me right. Do not come for me in the name of justice when you do not know who you defend. What I've said to you comes as a warning and not persecution. We've already learned how to deal with her. In silence and indifference we find our refuge from her poison. Here we will stay until she leaves. God help us.


Anonymous said...

U hate her so much huh? --bebelise