Monday, September 26, 2005

Conversations with a Fool

I spoke with a fool the other day, here's how our conversation went:

She wants her power to be setup under her name and she'll call back with the address in a week. I told her, we connect the power to the house, not to her.
She complained about why her bill is so high when every appliance in her house is run by electricity. I told her if her house was running on gas, she would be calling someone else.
She cries foul when she receives a disconnection notice when she hasn't paid her bill for over a month. I told her that it's just a reminder that we're not giving her power as an act of charity.
She doesn't appreciates it when she gets late fees when she was just a day late. I told her if I paid her late on a debt I owed her, she wouldn't appreciate it either.
She demands to know why we can't give her an extension. I told her she failed to comply with the last one and the other before that when she begged from a supervisor.
She gets furious when her power gets disconnected when she made partial payment on it a couple of weeks ago. I told her a past due is a past due, regardless of the amount. Read the notice, we sent it for a reason.
She claims she wasn't informed of fees. I told her to read her notices, we sent it for a reason.
She wants her power reconnected as soon as possible because she's got asthma and she's on a breathing machine. I told her a nebulizer is not a breathing machine.
Finally she doesnt want my service anymore. I told her I would miss our conversations. Goodbye.


Nick de Vera said...

Yo, where's your call center? Maybe I'll apply again.