Monday, July 26, 2010

The Crow and the Magpie

Okay, brace yourselves boys and girls. Because when I've talked about decay of society and mindless sheep taking over, I wasn't talking about the future. It was here and now.

If you haven't read the Crow and the Magpie, it tells of an eerie tale of a crow wanting to learn how to sing better. He couldn't and he was miserable because of this. All of the other birds hated him because of his attitude. One day, the crow asked the Magpie to teach him how to sing. At first, the magpie refused because he hated the crow but agreed later on if the crow followed strict conditions. The conditions were that he is not to drink or eat anything until the magpie tells him to. The crow, eager to learn was fooled by the magpie. He ate and drank very little and became to weak and eventually died.

To you and me, the above story might mean political or somewhat fueled by an unknown vendetta similar to Cask of Amontillado. Weird stories that you have to find meaning for or just simply dismiss as crazy ramblings of another Edgar Allan Poe. It is not. There is nothing deep about it. I know this because it was taken from a preschool book published by, a Malaysian company. It came with illustrations and it was 5 or 6 pages long.

At the end of this really sick book, the moral of the story was: "never attempt the impossible". So it's okay to kill off somebody who's trying just because he was never going to be good at it. I've read this as one responsible Mom was kind enough to screen the books she let her son read. It was bought off at a Filbar's stand in Ortigas for a mere 10 pesos.

It has come to this. If you still think that passive parenting is okay. You'd be dead wrong. If you're not careful, your child could read this. He may become the next best Terrorist (and this is not the reality TV show kind).

I could blame the Malaysians for not using their brains before publishing this crap. I could blame the anonymous writer who was probably raised by wolves. I could blame Filbars for not screening their material well enough. But you see, I could not. Because it has come to this point that you, as a parent, would have to.

I believe the children are our future.

Do a better job. Please.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Short Term Memory in Politics

I've said time and time again that Filipinos have a VERY short memory when it comes to politics. Their complacency in the power of EDSA have made them reckless in exercising their right to suffrage thinking they can always oust anyone they don't like. They elect politicians based on popularity and think nothing of their past sins and apparent lack in the public's interests. This election, we find people from the entertainment business make their way into senatorial seats and more shockingly, a politician hated for raising taxes.

Revilla. The name itself produces giggles and smirks among educated people. Why is this person in the senate? Why was his father in the senate? His service in as Governor in Cavite was (unsurprisingly) unremarkable and in my opinion, was only marked by his TV career. Now he will serve another term in the senate seat doing nothing but instigate on TV issues and scandals that should be left served in a barangay hall. His term as VRB (now OMB) chairman was picturesque as the movies he star in but never as real either. Conclusion: another wasted seat in the senate.

Lapid. This name makes you think Leon Guerrero or pork rinds. Either way, you would never think senator. Lapid's rise in political power was brought about by a tragedy in Pampanga when lahar ravaged the province. Using the people's ire for the existing political regime, he seized power and made his way up by changing parties and alliances like a sniveling character in a bad action movie. Conclusion: take back your votes.

Recto. My hatred for this candidate is second only to my hatred for bitter gourd (ampalaya). Anyone who thinks raising taxes to increase revenue is an idiot in my book. Our taxes are more than enough to cover the government's lavish lifestyles, corrupted ways and extravagant spending. What you need to do is improve your collections and snuff out officials who misuse funds. Letting the public take the heat for the government's lack of inefficiency makes you a political asshole! If not for Noynoy's endorsement and your wife's popularity, you would be in hell right now, sucking Satan's dick. I thought you were smart but clearly, you're as shortsighted as rhino with sunglasses. If people new better and were told what you did with the VAT, you would not even make the class clown, let alone a senator. Conclusion: shove it where the sun don't shine.

A lot of people ask me: "Why does the Philippines suffer?" We have better resources than most, we're an industrious race, we're guided by a strict moral code and yet we're never as successful as the other nations less fortunate than us. The answer is simply this: we apply our strict standards to where it is not needed and show leniency where it should be applied. We use our resources like it's never going to run out and we're lazy when it comes to deciding for our future. We spent more time on our facebook accounts than looking in to the lives of the people who will guide us for the next 6 and 3 years. We give it to the hands of actors and corrupt villains who shouldn't be trusted with a class, let alone a whole country. We cuddle thieves disguised in poverty and offer them alms when they take from our wallets and live a lavish lifestyle. We take pity on every women who cry foul and defend them blindly when they've erred as much. We listen to crying moms who say their son was not a thief and believe the old bastards who claim they're sick when they should be on trial. We let the squatters vote while we take the sidelines saying: my vote won't make a difference anyway. Here's some wise words to ponder: Wala kang karapatang magreklamo kung hindi ka bumoto.

Friday, May 07, 2010

The Poor Middle Class

I write today to vent out my frustration for the ongoing rehabilitation of the squatter's area in E. Rodriguez Avenue. Society's leeches have found yet another suitable host they can cling to. The politicians smell blood in the water and circle like sharks waiting to be fed on election day.

It pisses me off to see MY tax money being spent on people who haven't paid a cent, steal electricity and water, sell their votes to the highest bidder and complain how life never gave them a good break. They whine in their little air-conditioned huts with free cable, electricity and water and have the guts to complain about their standard of living. You can't even look at you air-conditioning unit and not shiver at the thought of having it run the whole day with it's current cost for usage. Meanwhile, the government, having little or no foresight, increases the cost of utilities and taxes instead of improving their collection (this is why you're NOT getting my vote, Mr. Ralph "VAT" Recto). They unwittingly pass all the burden to the middle class. The upper class, composed mainly of politicians and dishonest businessmen care not for any price increase. Their lofty ill-gotten wealth more than covers for any inconvenience caused by a petty rise in cost.

The reason why inflation rises is because we lose more middle class to bankruptcy. We who have no choice when our paychecks get deducted with tributes to Caesar. The squatters don't shell out anything and the wealthy are not paying enough. It's ironic that these illegal settlers live the life of a rich man when they have nothing. When it gets taken away, they feel violated and demand for something they weren't entitled to in the first place. The rich live the life of a king and pretend to be poor when it's time to run for public office or tax season. When it gets taken away, they feel violated and take more from everyone else. The middle class live from one paycheck to the next and live the life that their budget allows. When it gets taken away from us, we feel violated but roll with the punches because WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING.

I challenge our government and the next to clean the streets the way it should be. Cut all loses and stop treating the abusive settlers as victims. What are you afraid of? Majority of these people are not registered voters anyway. You've been trying to do right with non-productive members of the society, why not give something back to those who HAVE been doing something? Call me heartless for turning my back on these people but enough is enough. We've endured their stay (illegally) and the cost of the stuff they stole but I refuse to replace it when a fire (that they've caused) took everything they didn't own in the first place. That's not being heartless! That is refusing to bend over and be fucked in the ass! The reason why progress eludes us is because we're a nation that cradles criminals and free loaders.

Moreover, the new government should look more closely into the lives of the elite and seriously ask themselves if these people have been paying their taxes correctly and if they're getting their money from legitimate sources. You don't need a huge budget for this. A customs official who's getting less than 20k of salary per month with no documented business NOT related to his office has 3 luxury cars, a mansion and spends a month in Hawaii for vacation. Do we really need a committee for that? Seriously? Someone should say "duh!". Or maybe a certain Senator who passed several bills that made his business boom spends billions of pesos to sit in a position earning less than a fifty thousand per month. It doesn't take rocket science to read between the lines. If the rich makes a significantly bold move, you only need to ask why to figure out the rest. Motive is everything. If it's there, it is the source and the solution to all mysteries you will be faced with.

I've noted all the politicians who are present at the E. Rodriguez ground zero. I will NOT vote for ANY of them. Hasn't anyone learned anything about the old saying "teach a man to fish and you feed him for life?" Seriously? These measures are band-aids to a gushing wound. If you really want to help these people, give them paying jobs. Educate them for free. If the city were able to fund the college tuition of the Mayor's kids, I bet we can do the same for these people. You didn't know? Weren't all those signs from each project from our good Mayor's wallet? Of course not! Your tax money funded it. Out of our wallets and into theirs. You poor, poor middle class.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Lesser Evil

Vote wisely. We deserve the kind of leader we elect. This saying is true regardless of how that person won. The masses control our fates. Please don't let the mindless sheep and the hungry wolves dictate you future. Take control and vote!

Noynoy Aquino. The favorite. When people look at this guy, they seem to think Ninoy and Cory. Really, what has he done so far? When I look at him, all I see is Kris. Popularity can only get you so far. I can trust what Noynoy stand for. I can trust that his goals are for the country's interest. I do not trust the people around him. He's a newbie and he will definitely seek guidance from someone. Someone I don't trust. Even an intelligent man can be conned by a simple taxi driver if he doesn't know the roads to his destination.

JC Delos Reyes. The boy. When I look at him, all I see is a jumpy freshman about to present his thesis in front of the Dean with nothing more than theories. Too many ambitions and not enough on the job experience to really know anything. It's as if asking a virgin to describe sex. Totally useless. He knows he's NOT going to win this election and yet he signed up for it. Maybe he's not so smart after all. Maybe he's just there to split the votes. Maybe it's all for show.

Joseph Estrada. The Charismatic Cheater. I must admit that he possesses a certain amount of swagger and charm in everything he does. I'm comfortable in the fact that he really can't do anything illegal that wouldn't look too obvious. His campaign to wipe out the Abu Sayyaf was nearly perfect. He's a womanizer and there's a touch of comedy in his answers that show his lack of verbal acuity. In short, he's the man's man. A president? I have no idea.

Richard Gordon. Firm Hands. When you listen to Gordon, you can't help but be impressed by how well he answers and make his opponents look bad at the same time. You can tell by his voice that he is a no nonsense kind of guy. A tough love kind of leader. When you look at Subic, you can't help but imagine if he could do the same for the entire nation (this I could say the same for Binay). Do I dare give him the chance to make it a reality? When given the choice to remain as a public servant or a business man, he chose the latter. I will forever question his motives.

Jamby Madrigal. The Showy One. I can't count how many times she has advertised her good work when the opportunity presents itself. For some reason, I feel like she's playing a role in a really bad episode of the West Wing. Her tactic revolves around the "I think I've proven myself" by doing this and that. Her verbal battles in the senate are not forgotten as well. Intellectually, she makes sound (but mostly self serving) arguments. I have my doubts on her. Maybe we should hit her with the water cannon one more time. I did enjoy seeing that.

Nicanor Perlas. The Socially active. If you look at Nicanor's track record, he has made notable contributions in social development and business related management with a twist of spiritual and moral flavors to it. He's kind of like the jock-geek-rebel zen master. Mostly, I remember his name for the Bataan Nuclear power plant thing. He preaches globalization but stopped nuclear power. I must admit that it brought us good in the long run. Still, I ask myself why he's running in the first place. He knows he's never going to win. That makes me suspicious.

Gilbert Teodoro. The Palace Dog. Beneath the calm and collected facade lies a heavy burden. I believe that the palace has positioned him very well to be one of the favorites despite his allegiances. If he and GMA wins, I have strong feeling that amending the constitution and electing a prime minister (guess who) is not far behind. It's too convenient that he appeared as the government's white knight during the Ondoy tragedy. I do NOT like him.

Eddie Villanueva. The Preacher. He preaches to the wrong crowd. The voice of the people is the voice of God. You didn't win the last elections. God didn't vote for you. Get a clue.

Manny Villar. The Rags to Riches guy. Poverty molds a person very differently from any other human condition. It drives you to a corner and makes you the most vicious animal who's bent on self preservation. It is a cut throat world out there and even more so in politics. If I try to imagine how he got to the top, I shiver with fear. When I look at the housing project he owns, I doubt his capability to run things smoothly. When I see the investment he puts in on those prime time TV commercials, I have reservations on his intentions. I keep asking myself, "why would I invest millions for a job that pay only in thousands?" The answers I keep coming up with makes a whole lot more sense than "public service".

And so we'll have our fill of promises and our ears will be serenaded by sweet possibilites. Once again, my fears turn to the uneducated masses. Every candidate will surely exploit their desperation. Reminds me of Esau. Trade my inheritance for a bowl of stew. God, help us.