Once again, I'm writing another political piece out of sheer frustration and anger for the mockery of justice and truth in the senate. Former COMELEC chairman Garcillano is being questioned for the alleged cheating and rigging of the recent Presidential election (for those of you who don't know).
This man is obviously a big, fat liar and it pains me to see good tax money wasted on such sessions that reveal nothing. Whenever he is asked about the anomalies with the election returns and the wiretap conversations, he conveniently answers by saying: "I am not competent to answer that question". He even denies that he is the COMELEC official called "Garci" in the tapes despite president Arroyo's admittance with her "I am sorry" speech.
Mr. Garcillano, I have a few things to say to you. Who the hell do you think you're fooling? If you're not competent to answer simple questions and specify your own whereabouts during the time you were hiding, then I would have to question your senility or the medications you're taking. If the whole COMELEC could point to another official who has a name similar to yours, then please do so because I'm dying to see if there is another "Garci" that we are unaware of. If you cannot answer anything else and would remain incompetent as a witness, I would rather see you behind jail for contempt. Maybe then, after you've experienced the luxurious accommodations of our Penal system, you would think twice before you say you are incompetent. To those senators and congressmen who defend him, I sincerely doubt your allegiance to this country.
Personally, I don't care if Mrs. Arroyo stays in office or not. Whether she cheated or not, she will answer to God. Wasting good tax money to fund a big farce and put this poor excuse for a man as the main character is something I cannot allow. I do hope the members of the senate open their eyes and end this disgusting show of disrespect and abuse of our justice system.
Birthday Girl
10 years ago