Saturday, January 08, 2005

Constants to Keep

It's quite amazing how the season goes by and the things around us change. The constant passing of time, legions of faces, images and sensations that come and go blow like the Eastern wind. Yet, some things remain after another year ends that proves that change does not hold sway over all things. They are people and tools of habit that stand the test of time, so to speak.

Coffee. A cup of brew is a constant reminder that not all things are doomed to failure. Every sip a promise that tomorrow will be a less crappy day. Every moment savored rejuvenates the body and soul like the gospel to a zealous church woman. An addiction allowed by the law.

Friends. Your comrades will always be there to lend you a helping hand, ask for a helping hand (in cash, of course) and give you a constant nudge in the shoulder to remind you that you still owe them money or they need another loan. They're always there to ignore your advice and cry on your shoulder when they fail and give you the adequate blood pressure to make you want to scratch off all of your hair. They also come in handy when your lonely, they can lend a sympathetic ear even though they don't understand a word your saying. Truly, a treasure worth keeping when you have absolutely nothing.

The Net. The internet is a vast space where you can get lost on purpose. A place to hide. You'll be flooded with proposals that promise sex, virtual sex and self sex. Never has there been a place so perverted since Soddom. It is also a place where you can throw your thoughts and ideas and get a response that is either violent, insulting or mildly titillating. It has long since served as a haven for people with no real friends or can't speak well enough to interact. It contains a lot of information about things you need to know, don't want to know or wish you didn't know. A useful tool, an escape from reality.

Love. Or at least the promise of it, makes better men out of us. A comforting thought that at the end of the day, someone who loves you can make all the boo-boos go away. A renewed promise that even after a days temptation, we still go home to a faithful someone who eagerly awaits our loving arms to wrap around them. A soothing balm that heals the wound dealt to you by the last idiot you spoke with over the phone. A smile that wipes away the tears you shed after you've sold an emperium for 100 zennys (ragnarok players only). Being in love and falling for someone has always been the most pleasurable constant I can never get used to. I hope I never will.


Nick de Vera said...

I've been surfing the net since 2001. I've been on about 5 messageboads and innumerable chats, I've made friends and enemies.

The net isn't really vast. I wish it was. Oftentimes it disappoints me by feeling like a small village instead of a sprawling metropolis. Yes there are 8 million pages and counting, but a huge chunk of that is the same old predictable shit over and over and over.

Yes there's a lot of porn on the net. But there are practical reasons to avoid netporn, as the old pros know, because a lot of viruses and spyware spread about that way.

There are a lot of losers, freaks, and social misfits on the net. But there are interesting people too, if you look hard enough. Trapped as I am, a wizard among hobbits, the net was and is pretty much the only way for me to escape and make contact with other minds. Truth: my writing has improved dramatically since I went online.

Writing is a skill. Check it out, this comment isn't a term paper, it's just me nattering along, the t-shirt-and-jeans writing style.

Ashley Riot said...

You should definitely go out more. By the way, there is a call center job fair in robinsons galleria in edsa. Check it out. You may find a good offer there.

Nick de Vera said...

"There are some ugly things down in these archives; there are narcissistic ravings from pre-adolescent social misfits. There are calls for anarchy. There's satanism, there's racism, there's all the -isms in the book lurking in the words. But there's hope, too. There's excitement, there's joy, there's every manner of feeling being crammed down into ASCII and posted for the world to find. It's a spectrum of humanity, and this is what I hope you'll find, buried there, among the text. Enjoy."

Jason Scott

Lynx said... might want to delve in advertising dude, the way how you entice my senses with the wonders of COFFEE is sooooo compelling - I might just want to have my third cup of this elixir now!!!!